You've met dozens of men, and you're hoping this guy will be the one, you're hoping this will be the prince charming that will sweep you off your feet. Not to worry these eight tips will let you know undoubtedly that he is the one for you.
- You are Not a Secret; you can't keep quiet once you've found a special jewel. If he is the one he will introduce you to friends and family and occasionally put you up on Instagram or Facebook (agreed not everyone believes in PDA). When a man shares his relationship with other people, it means he wants you to be a part of his entire life.
- He Makes Sacrifices for you; does he come pick you up even when it's inconvenient for him? Does he put you into perspective when choosing a job location?
- He Shares the Same Values with you; It's important you have similar views and expectation about things, this will help reduce conflicts when you end up together, however, understand that you will still have some views different as you are from diverse backgrounds.
- You're Looking Forward To The Marriage and Not The Wedding; When you think about him, what gives you more excitement, the wedding ceremony or waking up to see his face every Morning.
- He Cares About you; Don't get tired when he asks you the same question every day like; How are you? Have you eaten? Are you Home? These are the little ways you can tell that he cares.
- You Feel At Peace; Call it your sixth sense, gut, inner man whatever you like, but do you feel an inner peace when you think of him as your husband? If this is not the case you might need to sit down and do some soul searching.
- Is He Ready and If not Does He have a Valid Reason? ; He may have all these excellent qualities but if he's not willing to take the relationship to the next step, then he is not the one. Don't hang around and wait for him to change his mind someday, if he is really yours he will come back to you.
- Is He Responsible and Ready to Make an Effort; He doesn't have to drive a Bentley or anything of that sort, but is he responsible enough to be a future husband and father. Does he make an effort in his career or business pursuit? This is an important way to know if he is the one.
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